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1. Store Main Page

2 min read

The user can review six basic Sales Data

(1) Right-click the calendar option to choose the time/date period. (As①)   The store main page will provide the data within a maximum of 31 days. The system will automatically choose the data for the current day.

(2) The quick period setting Icon on the top-right (As Orange Arrow), provides yesterday, today, last week, last month, last 7 days, and last 31 days options.

(3) Choosing the current period, will show the blue frame (As②)

(4) Period zone shows light blue, the start time/date shows white letters with a blue background, and the end time/date shows white letters with a purple background. (As③)

(5) Period options on the left bottom provide quick settings for today, yesterday, last week, and the current month. (As④)

(6) Right-click the period options (Red Arrow) to choose the data for an exact hour/min/sec ()

(7) Confirm the chosen data with OK, to show the basic sales data. ( Red Arrow) (8) Sales Amount Trending Vertical Direction shows the sales amount, and the Horizontal Direction shows the time/date, The user can review the sales of choosing period (⑥)

(9) Order trending Vertical Direction shows the total order number, and the Horizontal Direction shows the time/date. The user can review the order number of choosing period (As)

(10) Order Type Percentage: Order Category Percentages will show as a pie chart. The user can analyse the different types of percentages within the currently chosen period.

(11) Payment type percentage Payment types percentages show as a pie chart. The user can analyse the different payment types within the current chosen period (As)

(12) Sales Leaderboard The user can review the sales amount for all products by ranking the sales number. (As)

(13) Sales Amount Leaderboard The user can review and rank all total sales amounts for sold products by ranking sales amount. (As)

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